During the fall of 2019, I was fortunate enough to fish with Nelson Ishiyama on some rivers of his choosing. I chose one rod to really put through the paces - an 8'6" three piece with 2 different tips... the lighter tip was for a 4 line and the heavier for a 5 line. The lighter tip was used exclusively as a dry fly rod, whereas the 5 line tip was used to swing soft hackles, wets, streamers and fish dries. The weather was unseasonably cold, but the trip was pleasant and the company absolutely great!
The dry fly fishing produced some very beautiful rainbows that took caddis emergers. Swinging soft hackles produced some nice browns. The #18 hook of my soft tackle pulled out a large, very colorful brown. The next cast, another brown took a soft hackle on the swing. I landed it after a long bulldogging fight!
That fish was perhaps the most colorful brown I have ever caught and released!
This rod worked with everything from #20 small dries to #4 streamers. Since it is an easy casting taper that handles wind well, is three pieces and weighs only 3.10-3.20, it is the perfect Western travel rod (Nelson concurs)! Because it is so light, it's really easy on the mature gentleman's or lady's arms and shoulders.
The dry fly fishing produced some very beautiful rainbows that took caddis emergers. Swinging soft hackles produced some nice browns. The #18 hook of my soft tackle pulled out a large, very colorful brown. The next cast, another brown took a soft hackle on the swing. I landed it after a long bulldogging fight!
That fish was perhaps the most colorful brown I have ever caught and released!
This rod worked with everything from #20 small dries to #4 streamers. Since it is an easy casting taper that handles wind well, is three pieces and weighs only 3.10-3.20, it is the perfect Western travel rod (Nelson concurs)! Because it is so light, it's really easy on the mature gentleman's or lady's arms and shoulders.